Laser Cheval designs the future with Quartz Géode, a new machine

Up to 5 mechanical and 3 optical axes
Maximum number of trays

Innovative technical features

Automatic or manual video
A single management software suite
Up to 5 mechanical axes
Up to 3 optical axes
Wide range of optics
Plug & Play

The Géode: the Quartz's new option

The second innovation: a high-capacity, very compact palletiser. It meets the ever-increasing need for productivity and autonomy. The system's intelligence and flexibility enable it to manage the various part numbers loaded. The Quartz machine is pre-equipped to accept the Geode. It can be integrated at any time to meet larger production requirements.

See the storage units

The result of 50 years' experience and innovation

The Quartz Géode is a modular, autonomous, precise and intelligent production solution. Able to integrate any type of laser source, from continuous to femtosecond, the Quartz meets every need, from welding to micromachining. 4 storage columns, up to 48 trays of 3 different heights.

Open the bonnet

Our history

Toute l’histoire

The beginnings of the Laser


Diversification and development

The Cheval Frères laser department is firmly committed to developing its business.

Start of sales

The company then began marketing machines to well-known customers such as SAGEM, ALCATEL, THOMSON and the CEA.

French leader

Cheval Frères has become the leading manufacturer of industrial lasers in France.

Technological leadership

When it comes to laser source power, Laser Cheval dares to make choices, particularly for welding applications.

Vision software

What the customer needs is a guarantee that the laser beam is focused on the right spot on the part.

Creation of an after-sales service department

Creation of an after-sales service department to ensure the repair and maintenance of machines in France and abroad.

Expansion & Innovation

Cheval Frères has set up its laser department as a separate entity.

LENS control software

We have developed our own control software, LENS, which revolutionises programming prior to the marking process, saving considerable time.

Deux contrats majeurs

Laser Cheval décroche deux contrats majeurs, marquant une étape importante dans son parcours commercial.

LEM v2

Laser Cheval continues to innovate with the launch of version 2 of the LEM machine.

Patent application

We apply for a patent for the design and manufacture of the GRAND CHAMP machine, designed to mark large plastic parts.

Integrating options for greater productivity

We designed the first machines equipped with plates for marking parts in masked time, for the needs of prestigious customers in the watchmaking sector (manufacturers and subcontractors).

Technological advances

Laser Cheval is now officially recognised by customs and Ceteho

Femtosecond technology

After several years of in-depth research and testing of femtosecond sources in our laboratories.

Welcome to Marnay!

Laser Cheval is moving to its new premises in Marnay.

Quartz range

The QUARTZ range represents the fruit of our efforts to capitalise on our experience and offer our customers the latest innovations.

Evolution of the machine range

Machines offering increased reliability, reduced maintenance and a full warranty.

Integration into the LASEA group

In September 2022, the Belgian group Lasea acquired Laser Cheval.

Multiple applications in
various fields

Laser Cheval
the story of a human adventure

Answers to your questions

Which laser sources can be integrated into the Quartz Géode?

Une source nanoseconde ou femtoseconde pour le marquage et une source milliseconde pour la soudure

What software drives this new machine?

Like the rest of the Laser Cheval range, the machine is controlled by our in-house LENS and 3X Vision software, with a brand new production management function adapted to the Géode option.

What options are available?

Depending on your application and your requirements (precision, aesthetics, quality, etc.), we can integrate an automatic vision system, various lighting systems, an XY table (200x200 mm) and a rotation unit.

What are the unique features of the new machine?

Pour une surface au sol de 1.5m² elle offre une surface utile de 2m². Elle peut passer par une porte standard et ne nécessite qu'une prise de courant pour fonctionner.

Is the Geode an option that can be added to the machine at a later date?

Yes, as our Quartz machine is pre-equipped, this is a Plug&Play option that can be added at any time.

Can the Géode handle several set configurations?

Yes, indeed, the Géode has 4 storage columns, 3 tray heights and up to 48 trays.